Paul and Lisa Becouarn



I met a member of St Annes church through a dear friend, and in my work, he suggested Alpha course to me.

Lisa and PaulAs it was also in Lock down, the 12-week period where everyone had to stay home, working with the community, finding other people work and supporting people with social barriers. I found myself doing this work for so long it appeared to me upon reflection, I had been disconnected from any faith, and myself, and was feeling very flat.

I took the Alpha course and met with Rod Bevan, the Vicar.

I found that Rod was very welcoming, with others who were very open minded but also disconnected, and full of questions, just like me.

I started to join in with Bible Study, the history of it fascinated me. Also, without notice, I found myself enjoying the company and began to make positive relationships, as together we were thinking about faithand what it all means.

This was the beginning.

I suggested to Lisa, my partner that she should attend the next Alpha course, to meet Rod and that there was something special and exciting waiting for our commitment. Lisa joined and had a amazing experience.

We both now attend Sunday service at St Annes, and have met some wonderful people.

We also met with Jesus, and learned that He is always with us .

Paul and Lisa xx

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