Shona Wesley



Lisa and Paul

My name is Shona, and I am a member of St Anne’s church at Edgeside.

I live in Rossendale on a small farm where we keep sheep, chickens and ducks and my horse called Diamond.

I also love to paint and draw in my spare time including pictures of animals and about our wonderful God. Art is a great way to start off a conversation and spread the word of Jesus.

What first attracted me to St Anne’s was the Crib Service on Christmas Eve which was so beautiful and I’ve been coming regularly ever since!

Attending St Anne’s has not only brought me closer to God, but it has given me a wonderful group of friends and opportunities to take part in such as Messy Church and Psalms and Stretches.

I am loving learning more about Jesus and he is now a huge part of my everyday life which feels fantastic.





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